Bytelift is a fast file synchronization tool for developers.

curl > && bash

Bytelift was designed for remote development, where you write code locally and synchronize it to a remote server to run it. The two main design goals are:

  • Latency: a file saved on one machine should arrive on the other machine(s) as quickly as possible.
  • Ease of use: Bytelift uses a centralized server to help machines discover each other, and can remotely install itself via SSH. (All data is stored locally, not on the centralized server.)


Although latency and ease of use are the main design goals, Bytelift also offers decent throughput, constant-time snapshots of directory state, end-to-end encryption, and bidirectional synchronization among an unlimited number of peers. Bytelift works on Windows, MacOS, and Linux, and is distributed as a standalone executable with no dependencies.

Install on MacOS

curl > bytelift \
  && chmod +x bytelift \
  && ./bytelift
You can also download the binary directly.

Install on Linux

curl > bytelift \
  && chmod +x bytelift \
  && ./bytelift
You can also download the binary directly.

Install on Windows

powershell "(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','bytelift.exe')" && bytelift.exe
You can also download the binary directly.
Bytelift is experimental software. It's possible that it could lose your data, please use at your own risk.